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Client Testimonials
"The team of student consultants from LSC worked on a strategic challenge faced by TSB and identified a response which aligned with our customer and digital first mindset. The team were incredibly impressive in their capability and dedication, responsive to feedback and proved their ability to handle complexity and ambiguity whilst appreciating the urgency and priority of the brief. They exceeded all expectations; with the final deliverable being incredibly well thought through and comprehensive. Upon completion, TSB was able to begin implementing the recommendations immediately. We aim to work with LSC on a regular basis and would recommend them wholeheartedly to anyone else.”
Sagar Haria
Digital lab, Manager

"WikiJob's student consultant team worked on an important, comprehensive analysis of potential new products and services which our company could produce for UK university students. The team were highly professional, super smart and come highly, highly recommended. We are planning to implement recommendations the team made and look forward to working with similar teams again in the future!"
Ed Mellett
Co-founder & Director
Group Head of Strategy
"Pret’s team of student consultants worked on an international expansion project we commissioned and impressed us with their dedication, professionalism, and eagerness to learn. The final deliverable from the project exceeded our expectations, and some of the team’s recommendations have already been applied in the business."

David Scott
“The LSC team worked on a driver supply project with us. They were very professional, worked hard and came up with some great ideas. The fact that we have already implemented some of them is testament to their insights!”

Operations Director
Tim Webster
“The LSC team delivered a piece of research for us looking into the attitudes of junior employees to their work and their employers. They each demonstrated very strong dedication to the project and worked hard to deliver some useful insights. Our intention is to share their conclusions with our clients in order to make some meaningful changes to the way employers interact with their junior employees.”
COO & Director

Ed Tribe
Head of Growth
"The LSC team were looking into innovative technologies and where the opportunities lie for Depop in adopting some of these technologies. We were super impressed by the depth and breadth of LSC’s work, and the clarity in which they communicated the four ideas they felt we should look at. So much so that one of them is under serious consideration already! We’d happily work with them again in the future."
Working with LSC
Our consultants are undergraduate, masters, and PhD students from London's world-renowned universities. Employ London's top talent to advise your organisation.
If you are interested in working with us on a project, fill out the contact form to send us an email and we will be in touch to discuss more details.
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